Alexandra OliveiraBusiness positioning — Gotham Garage and market thoughtsI was watching the third season of Gotham Garage on Netflix: a reality series that revolves around a car shop that remodels customizes and…Aug 11, 2021Aug 11, 2021
Alexandra OliveiraIs being a perfectionist holding you back?Perfectionists can be praised for their meticulous attention to detail, organizational skills, and above-average delivery. It is a…Mar 20, 2021Mar 20, 2021
Alexandra OliveiraPsychology and marketing for a client-centric approachAll the vocational tests I have done in my life have pointed me towards psychology. On my own, I decided to pursue the road of marketing…Mar 1, 2021Mar 1, 2021
Alexandra OliveiraThe creative cycle: absorb, recycle, give backFriday, 6 pm. I close the office laptop with a melting brain because, well, the week was super busy. As I know myself well enough not to…Feb 15, 2021Feb 15, 2021
Alexandra OliveiraSearching for excellence in corporate processesFear is a promoter of paralysis and delays. When team members feel confident that they will not be judged, they unclog the creative flow…Sep 15, 2019Sep 15, 2019
Alexandra OliveiraOs alimentos que a gente não come.Tentou de tudo para reverter uma condição indesejável de saúde e nada?Jul 14, 2019Jul 14, 2019
Alexandra OliveiraDemocratização dos dados: Não tente enganar seu clienteTem quem chame de robótico. Eu chamo de inteligente. Estou falando de um mundo que começa a se acostumar com a leitura de DADOS…Jun 21, 2018Jun 21, 2018